Updating your App.

While almost all the settings and features in 3D Issue apps can be changed without resbumitting your App to Apple and Google there are some options which require you to build an update.

What changes require updates to my app?

  • Changes to any information or Graphics inside the Submission page in 3D Issue.
  • Changes to the Push notifications and Analytics settings (Android only).
  • Changes to the App Name
  • Changes to the Screenshots, Description and other information on iTunes Connect
  • New features and functionality for your App. When we release new options your app will need to be updated to take advantage of them.

How do I update my App on iTunes Connect?

  1. If you have made changes on 3D Issue you'll need to go to the Submission page and click Build at the bottom to generate new files for your app.
  2. Wait for the build complete email and then download the new IPA file from the app's dashboard.
  3. Head over to iTunes Connect. Select My Apps and then select the app you wish to update.
  4. In the page that opens select + Version or Platform then select iOS
  5. In the box that opens give your new version a number. For example 6.2
  6. The page will change and you'll see a box in the center of the page titled What's new in this version. Enter any notes about changes here. This is displayed on the app store for users to see what is in the latest update.
  7. If you need to add new screenshots or change any other information do this now.
  8. Follow the steps in our Uploading and Submit guide here

How do I update my App on Google Play?

  1. If you have made changes on 3D Issue you'll need to go to the Submission page and click Build at the bottom to generate new files for your app.
  2. Wait for the build complete email and then download the new APK(android) file from the app's dashboard.
  3. Head over to Google Play and select your app from list
  4. In the page that opens select APK from the panel on the left.
  5. Next click the button Upload new APK to Production
  6. Click Browse files and select the android APK you just downloaded from 3D Issue.
  7. The page will change and ask you to add version notes. You can choose to add or remove any text there as you wish.
  8. Click Publish now to Production. And you're done!