What devices are supported by the Apps?
3D Issue apps will run on any devices running Android 4.1.2+ or iOS 7.0+
How long does the trial last?
3D Issue apps can be modified and content updated for 14 days. You can preview a built app for a further 14 days after your initial trial ends.
Can I have my trial extended?
You can request a trial extension from our Sales team at sales@3dissue.com
What is the difference between a Parent app and Standard app?
A standard app is a collection of content or sources. A Parent app is essentially an App that contains mutliple Standard apps.
The parent app allows you to give your users options of which content or type of content they'd like to see.
For a better explanation or a demo drop our team an email.
Is there a web version of the apps available?
Talk to your account manager about adding 3D Issue Hubs to your subscription.
Can I add some static pages, like a contact info page or map?
This is not really possible at this time, however it is definetly a feature we're considering for the future.
Can you add this custom feature I need?
We can't added custom features for each user, however if your idea benefits the product as a whole we'll be happy to consider it.
Can I distribute my app without the App Store or Google Play
The short answer to that question is no.
The long answer is more complicated and somewhat technical for an FAQ. Drop us an email if your scenario is part of internal comms for your organsiation at support@3dissue.com