Analytics & Stats

What analytics services or stats tracking are supported in 3D Issue apps?

Currently Google Analytics is the only service supported by 3D Issue apps.

What stats are recorded in the apps?
  • Parent app option selected
  • Parent app opened
  • Homescreen item pressed
  • Sidepanel item pressed
  • Article opened from index page (article item pressed)
  • Article opened via the upnext option
  • Section opened via the upnext option
  • Article closed
  • Load more pressed in section
  • External link opened
  • External link closed
  • Article shared
  • External link shared
  • Device Rotated
  • App started
  • App closed
  • Sidepanel opened / closed
  • Homescreen opened
  • Menu view opened
  • External link viewer opened
  • Article view opened.
How do I enable Google Analytics in my app?

Enable Google anaytlics from the customise menu

Will analytics work in my trial?

Analytics will work for iOS clients from the App Portal preview app. Android devices unfortunatly do not support this in the apps trial.

How long does it take for stats to start appearing?

In Google Analytics it can take a few hours for stats to start appearing. However once they do start appearing the apps report information in burts every 2 minutes that the app is active. In other words it takes roughly 2 minutes for interactions to appear!