The binary requirements are a little technical but are an unfortunate requirement. Ensure that you read through these instructions carefully and follow step by step. Note any text in bold before performing any steps. We've put the really bad stuff in their own pages to try and make this as simple as possible.
If you run into any issues or see something unexpected jump to the common issues section.
Also known as bundle id, app id, package id. This is a unique identifier for your app. It normally takes the shape of your website's domain reversed followed by the app name. So for example our App Portal app would be:
com.dissue.appportalNotice how I left out the 3, from 3D Issue? Numbers and symbols are not allowed in the Package id (apart from periods).
Once the package Id has been set, and you begin creating resources for your app it is very hard to change it, if you intend on replacing an existing app or are unsure about the format to use drop us an email at
This is the version number of your App. For new apps set the version number to 1.0 (note the decimal) if you are replacing an existing app make this number 1 above the existing version.
Sections 2.1 and 2.2 are covered in the pages that follow.