Ensure you are happy with these before buidling your app.
This is the icon that will be used both in the App Store and in Google Play as the main icon for the app. The one that will identify your app in the stores. This image must be 1024x1024px and be in PNG format with no Alpha Channels.
We also generate all the smaller icons for your app from this larger icon.
You can select the advanced option below this image in order to change individually sized icons as you see fit. This allows you to have a larger more detailed icon for most situations and then have a smaller simpler icon for situations were the size makes your icon hard to recognise.
This is the image that will appear at the top in Google Play after the user has selected the app. This image must be 1024x500 px and be in PNG format.
The launcher images are essentially images to be used as splashscreens for your app while it is loading. These are mainly used for iOS. The images should be simple as the user will only see them for a short time and complex images may confuse or causing a jarring experience.
The master launch image is the largest possible size of any of the required images. Uploading this generates all the smaller images needed. Again you can customise the smaller images with the advanced option once the master image has been uploaded. This image should be PNG and must be 2208x2208px. The sizes of all smaller images will be displayed under the advanced option.